Friday, March 11, 2011

Bees are vanishing from this earth fast.

Scientists are reporting that the bee population is shrinking away fast. It seems that bee population is shrinking throughout the world, especially in the more developed countries. There has been a significant decline of bee population in Europe, North America, China and Japan. However, there has been no studies made in other countries, but scientists believed that the situation there is no better. But why are we concerned? Did we love bees that much? Well, bees are very important to mankind. They fly from one flower to another sucking at the nectar and in so doing, help to pollinate flowers. They don’t actually do the work of pollination but because pollens get stuck to their legs and when they move in and out of flowers, they help transfer the pollens from one flower to another flower. In this way, pollination helps in the creation of fruits. But of course bees are not the only means plant get pollinated. Wind, ants and other insects also helps out. However, bees play a major role of plant pollination.

Scientists are stumped for an answer. There could be many factors, but one of them could be due to the chemical pollutions caused by the widespread use of pesticides. Another one could be the increasing amount of acid rain. Bees don’t generally travel far from their habitats and when they have to fly further because agricultural patches are getting bigger, they somehow find it a burden and an energy sapping routine. A century ago, scents from flowers, for example, could travel roughly a third of a mile. In today's more polluted air, the scents only travel one third of that distance, making it more difficult for bees to zero in on flowers. Perhaps the bees get confused and lose their directions?

Then there are bee diseases. Bees are susceptible to tiny parasites like the varroa mite, which drains blood from and weakens bee hosts. As bees don’t belong to anybody, when they are affected by parasites, they just succumb and die off. Farmers, who are the main beneficiary of the pollinating bees, just do not know how to go about helping out the bees. Probably farmers should have bee culturing programs as part of their activity but before it could be done; there must be some sort of legislation put in place. Just as an indication of the importance of bees, almost eighty percent of the world’s food crop depends on bees for pollination. One alternative to bees is to use ants instead. It not only helps in pollination but it is also a defense against vermin and pests. A more sophisticated way is to use tiny flying robots to help out.