Saturday, July 14, 2012

You should now ditch your market research reports, unless………

You have always wondered where you should put all your eggs and you will always not knowing the answer. In the real world as compared to the virtual world of witchcraft, you can never be sure. You may engage someone to do a market research and survey but as good as they come, you know that it is obsolete the moment you get to read it! Information travels fast and market conditions change even faster; so you will never be able to keep up with reality. If you are just starting on a business, and you only have a limited budget, you will need the right information so that you can focus on your target market that gives you maximum ROI. As ammunition is expensive, you really have to get at your target the first time around, otherwise you will burn out in no time. But can’t we rely on our market report? It is more like a chicken and egg case really. Think of it, just ask yourself the question, or your market researcher might ask you just where do you intend to bring your business to and you will have to scratch your head for an answer. If you do not know where your best markets are, assuming that you are just starting out, how would you know where the market survey should be conducted? Would your market researcher be able to give advice? No they can’t!

Right, since you do not know where to target your market, how then would you conduct your market research? Maybe you can try guesses but that would be very risky and you could lose it all in no time. A better way and perhaps one of the best ways is to conduct a real time market research. Not those that engages the social network, but one that is able to touch the real buyers. Just how do you go about it then? Well, there is this company that says that they can get at the real buyers. Real buyers! Yes, real buyers and not some cook up stooge! But it can only be done if certain steps are taken. One of the ways is to create a prototype and put it out on the net. Then it has to be positioned where people can assess it via a search engine. There is of course plenty of work on this method, but it can be done. Once the prototype is in a good position, it will then draw in inquiries and ultimately buyers. From then on, it will be analysis all the way and from it you will be able to tweak your offerings to suit the market. Maybe a closer look at Market Research might ring a bell. So, if you are using the conventional market research method of finding where to target your market, you should ditch it for something more modern!