Thursday, June 24, 2010

We do have too much oil after all

There is plenty of oil under the sea. The Gulf of Mexico oil spill is a testament to that, never mind what BP would want you to believe. Those hundred thousand of barrels gushing out from the earth is a signal to mankind to once again splurge on using gas hungry autos that give total comfort. Yes, there is enough of oil underneath the earth’s crust to last us a few more generations. But there is a caveat. You will need to spend billions of dollars just to explore all the continental surfaces surrounding all the continents. Although there is enough of money for such purposes, the people who have the power of approving them just do not have that kind of patience to wait for their ROI. They prefer something faster.

Thus mankind is made to suffer for paying top dollars for their oil. As another sign of an excess of oil in our lives, you will see that there is also oil in our cooked foods. If there is no more oil, the first enterprise to close shop will be the fast food joints. These outlets which have mushroomed all over the world have a problem that is seldom mentioned. It is the excess oil that comes from all those automatic and clinical frying ovens after the chicken, beef and butter have been served to eager young clients that is a headache to be disposed off. Where there is strict supervision from the authorities, these expanded oils are clinically disposed of. In third world countries, where supervision is slack, the oil is just dumped into the drains.

Actually, in the real world, we do have a problem of too much oil. Lately, news has been out that a patent on oil eating bacteria has been granted. It was initially rejected because the bacteria was there all the while and granting a patent to it was seen as going against the laws laid down by the fathers of our patent system. But in reality, we really need to have these bacteria put in soap powder boxes such that man could easily dispose of unwanted oil. It is not that we could not recycle them, but more of a need for a practical system to collect them from our many kitchens.

There is another problem though. What is gong to happen when these bacteria has consumed the oil? Are we going to dispose of them again? Will they cause harm to our environments? Nobody knows. And the company that has got a patent for it does not want to comment. Perhaps the company selling them may want to collect them back for recycling? Still, we will not be able to solve our excess oil problem as long as we continue our excesses. We just eat and eat our way to sickness. That is the way advertisement tells us. Because we live to eat, we inherently over consume and left all the waste strewn at our back yards and in land fills. We are actually depriving the future generation of clean and sustainable environment.

If we take a god look at great China, we will find that although there are 1.3 billion people over there, there is not much waste of oil. Food are judiciously apportioned to the majority of the population. You will not be able to see overweight people there in the streets. People just eat as little as possible and you would not be able to detect oil in their drains. Thus it would be a good idea to take a cue from that factory to the world.

Would you want to see more efficiencies? How about going to this great place to start up an environmentally sound business. Yes, it is called MSC Status, the place where things are doable.

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